Saturday, November 11, 2006

Minors work.

Last week the police caught 120 children who worked illegally in Almaty. The half of the minors are from the CIS countries. They left their home countries in order to earn some money in Kazakhstan.
A Kyrgyzstan 13-years-old girl, Jazgul Mendybayeva, said, “I’m here with my mother, we sell the bread in different places. We earn about 11. 000 tenge per week. ”
The girl, with languishing eyes and in dirty work wear, was crying when telling her story. With her seven years of experience she pays the accommodation fee in village of Zarya-Vostok and is able to send some money to her grandmother and little brother in Kyrgyzstan.
Jazgul also said, when she earns enough money, she dreams to continue her studying at school, which she left at nine. She dreams to become a doctor and to heal her mother and relatives. However, today she is a bread winner.
At the middle of the conversation it was understandable that Jazgul was crying not because her life is difficult, though she could, but because of her unfair detention at the center. The Center of Temporally Isolation and Rehabilitation for Minors.
All these children now are in the center. Within three months the center takes care, tries to identify the child and returns him or her to the family.
The inspector of the center, Kuralai Kurazbekova, said, “The number of minors is decreasing as parents take their children back. But in some cases, when the parents refuse to take their children we have to send them to Child House.”
However, there were the cases when parents had financial problems and the Kazakhstani Government paid all transfer payments.
Also, there is a 3- years- old boy in the center, staying more than three weeks there. The center does not know the nationality and where the boy is from. Three times he was shown by “Reider”, a TV program searching people. No result.
The main explanation of minors being here in Kazakhstan is poor living conditions at home.


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